Glen Miller
Pencil Portrait by Antonio Bosano.
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The quality of the prints are at a much higher level compared to the image shown on the left.
A3 Pencil Print-Price £45.00-Purchase
A4 Pencil Print-Price £30.00-Purchase
*Limited edition run of 250 prints only*
All Pencil Prints are printed on the finest Bockingford Somerset Velvet 255 gsm paper.
P&P is not included in the above prices.
0n December 15, 1944, Major Glenn Miller climbed into a single-engine Norseman aircraft at a military airstrip near Bedford, some 40 miles north of London. He was scheduled to lead his acclaimed United States Army Air Forces Band in a Christmas concert for Allied troops the next week in liberated Paris. At the last moment he had asked for a change in his orders so that he could precede the band to France. A chance encounter at an officers’ club the previous evening had earned Miller space on the small plane that was defying the rain and fog to make this hop across the English Channel.
The Norseman left Twinwood Farm airbase in south-east England and within two minutes, had vanished into the fog for ever. Not a single trace of the plane was ever found, nor any reason for its disappearance established, yet nearly seventy years on, theories still abound as to what really happened. In many ways, the circumstances surrounding his death have somewhat obscured his musical achievements, for this was a man who invented a ‘new sound’, was one of the best selling recording artists from 1939-43 and arguably the most famous big band leader of all time.