Leonard Nimoy
Pencil Portrait by Antonio Bosano.

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The quality of the prints are at a much higher level compared to the image shown on the left.
A3 Pencil Print-Price £45.00-Purchase
A4 Pencil Print-Price £30.00-Purchase
*Limited edition run of 250 prints only*
All Pencil Prints are printed on the finest Bockingford Somerset Velvet 255 gsm paper.
P&P is not included in the above prices.

Recommended reading
I Am Spock (Leonard Nomoy) 1995
The Official Leonard Nimoy Fan Club
Some interesting articles, artefacts and links, but the site could do with some colour. It’s all a bit sombre.
Leonard Nimoy’s 1975 autobiography was called ‘I am not Spock’. The book title, which the actor later admitted was “a big mistake”, had offended millions of fans of ‘Star Trek’ the long syndicated science fiction television series. So readily identifiable with his role as the Vulcan, long term fanatics had assumed that it was an attack on the character. and Star Trek in general, and did not read the book to find out what was really meant. These devotees of the series are classified in two ways.
Trekkies are fans who devote their entire interest time to Star Trek, whilst Trekkers are very keen fans who manages to balance other interests in their life as well.
I am neither a Trekkie nor a Trekker, but the recent films, and in particular, the revival of the original characters played by a younger generation of actors, has without doubt been an unqualified success. I’ve made that cinematic trip on two occasions in recent years, to revel in Kirk and Co’s embryonic days, and the experience has undoubtedly been more than mere nostalgia.
As for Spock and Uhura – well who would have thought?